


英语作文300字 篇1

昨天是我第一次上英孚英语课,我非常紧张,我推开教室的门,出乎预料的是他们的身高都只到我肩膀那儿,我闷闷不乐地坐在椅子上,忽然,我听到有人在说: ‘我在金鸡湖小学读书,要升三年级了,我听见了心里想到:他们跟我差不多大,应该是我人长得高,这时女外教老师来了,哇!她真漂亮,她的皮肤洁白洁白,她的眼睛亮亮的,身上还散发着淡淡的清香。


啊 !英孚课真好玩。

英语作文300字 篇2




Dear President

I volunteer to join the swimming club, because the club as a whole to the organization, a health organization, a joyful organization! I joined the club the desire long-standing. This desire is not impulse, but from the heart of a persistence and belief.

I am a fledgling apprentice, though my contribution to the club rarely, but I will try my best, my meager strength for the club to add brick!

Dear club leaders, please accept my application, I hope you in practice test me!

Li Yuan

英语作文300字 篇3

The teacher has a lot of, I like all the teachers, let me introduce one by one: my class teacher is miss zhao, she is our Chinese teacher. Miss zhao long hair, with big eyes, at ordinary times can be gentle to us. She was particularly concerned about our study, some students language result is not good, miss zhao, patient tutoring them until it is improving. Liang is our math teacher, I enjoy listening to the teacher liang.
