




1、语言目标(Language skills)

巩固和强化上节课的知识: can I have ? Yes, you can./ No, you can't.

能在图片的提示下听懂、认读、说出新单词:computer game、jipsaw puzzel、careful、fix,并懂得其意。

学会表达某人拥有某物的功能句型“I’ve got 。 He’s got。 She’s got。 It’s got。”来进行交流。

2、 技能目标(Objectives of skills)

学会运用have got 表述拥有某物

3、情感目标(Objectives of emotion and attitude)



能正确拼读新单词:computer game、jipsaw puzzel、careful、fix; 理解本课句型:I have got。 并能够运用此句型和别人交流自己拥有的东西。


Step1、Warming up:

Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls!

S: Hello, teacher!

T: How are you, today?

S: Fine, thank you.

T:What’s the weather like today?

S:It’s sunny day.


Step 2、Lead-in:


T:what’s this ? S:This is a book;This is a coat.

T:This is my book. I’ve got a book. This is my coat. I’ve got a coat. (板书并做动作让学生理解意思I’ve got )


I’ve got——像老师一样描述自己拥有的东西。

T:Now,I want you do the action like me.


Step 3、Presentation:

1、(PPT出示课文图)T:Now Daming and Sam are playing together, 想不想知道:What have they got? What does Daming got? What does Sam got? (放第一遍录音)

S:Sam says: I’ve got a kite. Daming says: I’ve got a computer game.

2、老师拿出一个游戏机:I’ve got a computer game。

T:Computer game,computer game.I have got a camputer game. Ss:Computer game,computer game.I have got a camputer game.

(出示单词卡片,让学生跟读:computer, 分三个音节教发音,再连到一起。并由此而让学生练习拼读。接着指导学生拼读game,让学习学会主动学习。)

3、T:Do you want to play with my computer game? If you want, you can say: Can I play with your computer game? (之后,让学生运用此句型在小组里交流,以让学生能更深刻理解computer game 的意思。)

4、T:Daming has got a computer game. Can Sam play with his computer game? Sam has got a kite. Can Daming play with his kite? What happens to the kite?

(PPT出示问题:What does the kite look like at the end? 最后,风筝看起来像什么?播放第二遍录音,引导学生回答出:jigsaw puzzle接着教师出示单词卡片并教授。)

5、T:当Daming 弄坏Sam的风筝时,Sam说的是:Don’t worry!

Let’s fix it.(同时出示单词卡片,fix fix Let’s fix it. 老师用动作去帮助学生理解fix 的意思)

T:可见,Sam是一名非常有宽容心的孩子。如果你是Sam,What would you say? Who want to try?让学生模仿说出,并从中受到教育。

6、老师播放第三遍录音,请学生跟读模仿。听到“I’ve got”句子时,要站起大



Step 4、Practice:



3、游戏:看谁说得多。让每组在food,toys,animals,clothes中选择一类词,请学生先准备,然后在所给单词范围内全组尽量多的用I’ve got





Unit4 How do you get to school?


1、知识目标:单词:subway take the subway train ride a bike walk 等。








1. how /how far /howlong 引导的特殊疑问句.

2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法.

3. It takes /willtake/took sb. some time to do sth.


cards and atape-recorder .




Step 1.Warming up.

Greatthe class as usual.

Talkabout the weather .

T:How’s the weather today?

T:How was the weatherlike yesterday? ……

pointstudent A say

“ Hello! Listen to me ok ?.I willsing a song to you .But you must …”.(用手指作安静动作)

Listening to a song

歌曲欣赏,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。

Step 2 、Games


Step 3、Play

多媒体技术呈现以上预知的词汇导入新句型how do you get to ….?的学习。

Askstudents to try to read these words:bike train subway car boat .and correct the wrong pronunciation of these words.Then do a words game .(比记忆力)。

Step 4、Listening.

过渡到Section A 1a 1b的学习,并逐步完成课文1b的填空。

Usingthe picture on the screen. Ask students some questions about the picture.

T: What can you see in the picture?

T: How many people are there in the picture?

T: What are they doing?

Afterthis, play the recording for two times, ask students to finish Activity 1b andwrite down the phrases of the transports.

takesthe train, takes the subway, takes the bus

Thenask students to repeat the conversation and check the answers together.

Theteacher give the correct answers on the screen.


Step 5、Structures(操练词汇及句型)

a、Show the pictures tostudents and read these phrases , ask students to repeat.

b、show the pictures tothem and ask them to say each phrase one by one.

c、Then show thepictures to students and ask students to answer the question “How do you go to school?” one by one.

d、Then do anotherexercise.

Thefirst student say “I go to school by ……or I take……to school.”.

Thenthe second student say “He/She goes to school by……or He/She takes……to school.”


Step 6、Pairwork

Asktwo students to read the dialogue about 1a.

Thenask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer how students get to school in thepicture.

Asthey work, move around the room, offering language or pronunciation support asneeded.

Finallyask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.


Step 7:Exercises

1.(  ) do you get to school?

Itake the bus.

A.Why B. How C. When D. Where

2.How (  ) Dave (  ) to school yester day?

A.does; get B. did; got C. does; got D. did; get

3.She goes to the library (  ).

A.walk B. on foot C. by foot D. in foot

4.How (  ) Tom and Marry (  ) home?

A.do; get to B. does; get to C. do; get D. does; get

(通过练习巩固所学内容,特别是练习3强调了步行用“on foot”练习4强调了地点副词“home”前不用介词“to”)

Step 8 :Homework:

Writedown your own conversations in pairwork.

Interviewten students how they get to someplace, make a list.


Unit4How do you go to school?

Howdo you go to school?

takesthe train takes the bus

takesthe subway walk

I go to school by…….








Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis

2. Learn some useful sentences:

(1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.

(2)Would you like to come and cheer us on?

3. Learn the future tense with be going to:

(1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

(2)Are you going to join the school rowing club?

4. Talk about preferences:

—Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

—I prefer rowing.

5. Talk about sports and games.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)

T:Welcome back to school, boys and girls. The new term begins. This is our first English lesson this term. Did you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays?




T: We all know doing sports is good for our health. Now let’s review some sports and learn some new ones.


T:Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.

S1:They are playing basketball.

T:Do you like playing basketball?

S1:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T:How many players are there in the basketball team?



S1:There are five players.


T:What are they doing? S2, do you know?

S2: They are playing volleyball. (教师帮助该生回答。)



(用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。)

(板书,并让学生跟读,要求学生理解cycle, ski;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski

2. (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)

T:Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing?

S3: Rowing.

T:Good! The phrase “like … better” means “prefer”.

